Boys Parent, Player, and Coach Guide

Parent, Player, and Coach Guide

The following pages are designed to tell you, the coach, the parent, and/or the player what the Albert Lea Boys Basketball Booster (ALBBB) is all about: who we are, how to contact us, what programs we have, and how we interact and support you as a coach, the parent, and/or the player. This document should be treated as a guideline for those areas that are covered.

ALBBB Mission:

Albert Lea Boys Basketball Boosters is designed to provide an opportunity for boys in grades 3rd through 8th to play a more competitive game of basketball including traveling tournaments. Emphasis is placed on player development, sportsmanship, and teamwork. This is accomplished through establishing competitive teams, who are led by knowledgeable coaches, with a goal of developing the players to be ready to compete at the next highest level.

ALBBB Goals:

Promote good sportsmanship, leadership, respect, and teamwork while improving the basic skills of each participant.

Develop a love for community and sense of belonging between athletes, parents, and community members.

Enhance basketball knowledge through skill development for all parties involved.

Program Details:

The ALBBB offers a traveling program for boys to participate in advanced, competitive, traveling basketball tournaments in grades 3-8.


ALBBB holds registration one time per year, typically in September for the following winter season. Registration is held as a stand-alone registration period and communicated via e-mail (for those within the ALBBB database) and via various advertisements. The registration deadline is communicated and is very important because ALBBB uses the registration deadline to decide how many teams will be formed at each grade level, and then begins to enter those teams in tournaments for the upcoming season. Teams are formed for boys in grades 3rd – 8th grade based upon number of participants and overall talent levels. If multiple 3rd – 5th grade teams are required, it is the intent to make them equal teams in terms of talent and capability. 6th through 8th grade teams will be formed as “A” and “B” teams. Teams consist of 8-10 players and ALBBB will consider the availability of gym time, program budget, and availability of coaches to determine how many teams will be formed.

Due to the time commitment required, players should not participate on other non-basketball sports teams during the traveling basketball season. ALBBB practices and games should be the highest priority, but in the case of conflicting events or activities, please be in communication with your son’s coach or ALBBB’s youth president. Failure to follow this level of commitment results in difficult situations for teams with fewer players and is unfair to your teammates.


·       Albert Lea high school coaching staff and ALBBB will conduct the evaluations. Evaluations will consist of various individual, small group, and team drills/scrimmages. Players will be independently evaluated by using drills, such as layups, dribbling, and shooting including 1 on 1. In addition, players will participate in 3 on 3, 4 on 4, and 5 on 5 scrimmages, with rotating teammates and opponents.

·       Evaluators are not only looking for the tallest, fastest, or players with the best jump shot. A successful and winning team includes players that can rebound, play defense, pass the ball, and be a good person/teammate.

·       Each player must attend all evaluations sessions for his age group. Any deviation from this requirement must be approved by the President or high school head coach in advance. Players are expected to alter their schedules to attend evaluations. Injured players should also notify both the President and high school head coach in advance and should plan to attend each evaluation session as an observer.

·       Players are encouraged to bring a water bottle - no sports or energy drinks.

·       Parents are not allowed in the gym during evaluations.

·       Team assignments will be communicated via the ALBBB website at a time to be announced at evaluations.


Evaluations Strategy:

ALBBB makes use of the following strategies during evaluations: 1) equal opportunity; 2) team play and skill assessment; 3) independent evaluation.


·       Equal Opportunity: Team groupings for scrimmages during evaluations are changed several times so that each player will play with and against many different players. An effort is made to equitably distribute height on the scrimmage teams.

·       Team Play and Skill Assessment: Drills are used to provide an opportunity for evaluators to observe basic skills. Scrimmages give evaluators a chance to observe skills, along with a player’s abilities to use these skills in a game-like situation. Scrimmages also allow evaluators to observe a player’s approach to team play.

·       Previous knowledge of player’s skills, work ethic, and capabilities based on observations at summer camps, open gyms, or any other basketball related activities.

·       Team Placement: Team placement is 100% decided upon via the evaluation process by the high school staff and non-parent ALBBB coaches.


ALBBB currently supplies uniforms for players. ALBBB introduces new uniforms as needed. ALBBB works with local vendors to select updated and affordable uniform solutions.

Practice Times and Tournament Selections:

ALBBB holds practices at Southwest Middle School, Hawthorne Elementary, Brookside, or additional available elementary schools, and suitable for-rent facilities. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of gym space and a number of conflicting events which makes practice scheduling the single most difficult task that faces ALBBB. ALBBB strives to schedule around significant school events, schedules younger ages for earlier in the evening, etc.

Tournaments are selected based on the following:

-       Level of competition

-       Location (one hour or less commute)

-       One day or two day?

-       History – have we received favorable feedback in the past?

-       Program – do we have a good relationship with their program?

-       Schedule – is it a weekend we’re looking to fill?


What Does ALBBB Do with Registration Fees?

Registration fees are used to: offset the costs of tournament fees, coaches, equipment, facilities, etc.

ALBBB Web Site and Other Communications

Although ALBBB distributes information by e-mail throughout the year to participants, to get the most up-to-date and complete information on games, clinics, events, schedules, and results, please visit our website at or Albert Lea Boys Basketball Facebook page.


The ALBBB Board/Parent Meeting

The board/parent meeting lays the foundation for all parties – coaches, players, and parents – to explore and communicate their expectations and concerns. This opportunity is designed to discuss tournament schedules, playing time expectations, coaching philosophy, etc. We encourage all parents to attend this meeting. The meeting time and date will typically correspond with the evaluation dates.

Coaching Reminders:

If you want to reach your players, you have to understand why they play the game. A Youth Sports Institute survey of boys and girls ages 10 – 18 asked why they participate in non-school sports. Following is the rank listing of the top answers:

1.     Have fun                                              6. Learn new skills

2.     Stay in shape                                       7. For the excitement

3.     Get exercise                                         8. Play as part of a team

4.     Improve my skills                                9. Make new friends

5.     Do something I am good at                   10. For the challenge of competition

Yes, “Win” was one of the choices. With both boys and girls it came in 12th place. For your players to hear your message, particularly at the younger ages, it needs to include things like how much fun they are going to have, how they are going to improve, and how good they are getting at any given skill.

Player Commitment:

It is important to clarify upfront commitment level is required from players.

·       ALBBB expects all players to attend all scheduled games and practices.

·       Players should be at all scheduled practices at least 10 minutes prior to going on the court. Players should plan on arriving at least 30 minutes prior to the start of a game. To begin practice promptly and end it at the scheduled time requires that players arrive early to have shoes on and ready for practice to begin at the stated time. Although they may have other obligations, players must remember the commitment they have made to ALBBB and to their team.

·       Players should come properly dressed for practice or game and prepared to participate.

·       Players should bring a supply of water to each practice and game.

·       Players should agree to follow a code of ethics.

Player’s Code of Ethics

1.     I will participate because I want to, not because my parents or coaches want me to.

2.     I will play by the rules, and in the spirit of the game.

3.     I will control my temper – fighting and “mouthing off” are not acceptable.

4.     I will respect my teammates and opponents.

5.     I will do my best to be a team player.

6.     I will remember that winning isn’t everything – that having fun, improving skills, making friends, and doing my best are most important.

7.     I will acknowledge all good plays and performances – those of my team and of my opponents.

8.     I will accept their decisions and show them respect.

9.     I will remember that when I play or practice the game of basketball, wherever I am, I represent ALBBB, my team, but most of all, myself.

10.  I will practice good stewardship of the facilities and do my part to keep it clean.

Parent Commitment:

Parents’ continual support and involvement are necessary to ALBBB success. They need to learn basic rules and terminology of the game and attend scheduled parent meetings. Parents can help by keeping their child’s equipment, etc. clean and ready to use at each practice and game (or reminding the older players to do so themselves). Parents should make sure their child arrives on time for all games and practices, and to let the coach know if their child will not be able to attend a practice or game. Parents should pick up their players promptly after practices. While the coach is obligated by ALBBB to stay with the player until a parent or guardian arrives, don’t turn your coach into a babysitter! Parents should agree to objectively discuss concerns with those who can assist with concerns verses those who cannot assist with their concerns.

Required parent participation:

·       Assisting at home tournaments in concessions, entry gate, etc.

Parent volunteer opportunities are:

·       Practice assistants (ask your coach how you can help)

·       Scorekeeper at Tournaments

·       Hand out/collect uniforms

Other ways parents can help the team:

o  Praise your child. If criticism is necessary, keep it positive and instructive.

o  Put the welfare of the player ahead of all else. Children generally accept disappointment better than their parents. Don’t put your disappointment on the players.

o  Encourage and applaud all members of the team and be tolerant of mistakes. They will make many as they learn but remember not all players have achieved the same skill levels.

o  Know the requirements of the player’s level of play. Travel teams require high-level ability and commitment for the entire season.

o  The financial and time commitments for travel team participation are great. You and your child should know these requirements and be committed to live up to them.

o   Get to know your coaches. Discuss your expectations, problems, or the progress of your player with the coach at the proper time.  The proper time is NEVER in the company of other players or parents.

o  Support your child’s coaches – they need your help. Appreciate the fact that the coach has the responsibility for an entire team. Activity and behavior of these players at all times is the sole responsibility of the parents.

o  Don’t be a chronic complainer. If you are convinced something is wrong on your child’s team, discuss things as soon as possible with the coach. If the issue cannot be resolved, the President of ALBBB is your appropriate point of contact.

Parents’ privileges at any game, scrimmage, or practice are solely restricted to the enjoyment of that event. Your conduct reflects on the team, ALBBB, and our community.


Fair Play Code for Spectators:

1.     I will remember that children play this sport for their enjoyment. They are not playing to entertain me.

2.     I will not have unrealistic expectations. I will remember that child athletes are not miniature professionals and cannot be judged by professional standards.

3.     I will never ridicule an athlete for making a mistake during a competition. I will give positive comments that motivate and encourage continued effort.

4.     I will respect the official’s decisions and will encourage participants to do the same.

5.     I will show respect for my team’s opponents, because without them there would be no game.

6.     I will condemn the use of violence in any form and will express my disapproval in an appropriate manner to coaches and league officials.

7.     I will not use bad language, nor will I harass athletes, coaches, or officials or other spectators.

8.     I will report any conduct not in alignment with above guidelines to the ALBBB board.

Player Conflicts:

ALBBB coaches are not expected to tolerate disruptive or disrespectful behavior by players or parents. Profanity, verbal abuse, or physical abuse will not be tolerated. Discipline for detrimental behavior conducted during any ALBBB sponsored event, or events where ALBBB is a participant will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of those who witness this behavior to report to an ALBBB board member or the ALBBB President.

NOTE: ALBBB reserves the right to dismiss participants or ban parents who repeatedly violate the stated goals, policies, and procedures of ALBBB. The ALBBB President, Vice President, and High School head coach are responsible for this decision following an effort to gather the facts of said situations. 

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